OK, I learned my audition songs and sang them well enough to pass my audition.  I'm so excited, but I'm also overwhelmed!
Passing your audition and becoming a full-fledged member of the Chorus can be exciting but intimidating.  You now know a couple of songs.   At rehearsal, the other members of the Chorus know so much more.

Depending on when you pass your audition, the Chorus may be in different modes of rehearsal.  If it happens to be within a couple of months before Contest (in late March/early April), you'll find the Chorus quite focused on perfecting two songs.    If it's not near Contest, the Chorus may be tuning up old favorites and introducing new music.  In the fall, out comes the Holiday Music for a polish to prepare for "sing outs" for the Holiday Season.

It's comforting to keep in mind that we were all in your shoes once and we're all in your shoes each time new music is introduced.

Recall the old adage "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time."  The same applies to your music.  Choose a song (get input from your Section Leader on a good choice) and focus on learning it.  Then choose another.  If you happen to be in a "sing out" and you don't know a song, mouth the word "Watermelon" and no one will know you don't know it!  Odds are high that there are others doing this and you just aren't aware of it!

Talk to your Section Leader or Director.  There are resources available (practice tapes and CDs, getting a Chorus "buddy" to help you out) to help get you up to speed.

Different members learn at different rates.  The purpose of the audition is to validate the following:
  • you can learn a piece of music, given sheet music and a practice recording, within a period of time
  • you can sing your part on key
  • you can hold your part even when surrounded by others not singing your part
  • you can sing your part without someone else singing it with you
So, you see, you've already proven you can do it one song at a time!  Now, go forth and eat your music one song at a time, with confidence that you'll manage to catch up with the current music at your own